Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Zero Population Growth

 Birth Rate = Death Rate

When the birth rate is the same as the death rate, the world will be in equilibrium between humans and nature. 

ZPG Movement

In the late 1960s ZPG became a prominent political movement in the U.S. and parts of Europe, with strong links to environmentalism and feminism. Yale University was a stronghold of the ZPG activists who believed “that a constantly increasing population is responsible for many of our problems: pollution, violence, loss of values and of individual privacy.”[10] Founding fathers of the movement were Paul Ehrlich, author of The Population Bomb, Richard Bowers, a Connecticut lawyer, and Professor Charles Lee Remington.  Humans were already passing the point of equilibrium in the 1960s.

Who's responsible for this?

The responsibility does not fall strictly on women.  For instance realizing back in the 70s that too many humans on the planet would be more than the planet could support, I had a vasectomy.  One of the smartest moves of my life and my wife thanked me later when she saw that the planet was heading for Global Warming Climate Change/Crisis.

Who should be responsible

China and the USA are responsible for 41% of the global greenhouse emissions   
  • Chine 27% divided by 1.4 billion people equals  1.92  to the -8 exponentially per person
  • USA  14% divided by 330 million equals 4,24 to the -8 exponentially per person
On a per person basis the USA is 2.2  times more contributors to Greenhouse emissions than China

Contraceptive Effectiveness

  1. 100% - Abstinence
  2. 99% - Contraceptive Implant
  3. 99% - IUS: Intrauterine System 
  4. 99% - IUD: Intrauterine Device
  5. 91% - Contraceptive Patch
  6. 91% - Vaginal Ring
  7. 91% - The Pill (comes in several forms)
  8.  82% --79% - Condoms
  9. 71% -- 81% - Diaphram
  10. 76% - Natural family planning

Consult your doctor before embarking on one of these

Friday, October 23, 2020

Carbon Footprints

 What you are responsible for

A lot of people think that industry is the largest creator of greenhouse gases.  However, in the aggregate most greenhouse gases globally comes from individuals. Electricity and heating counts for 25%. Agriculture for what you eat comprises 24%. Personal transportation is responsible for  14%.  Buildings like the one you live in generates 6% of emissions. That adds up to 69% for each person's responsibility.

 Too much carbon in the air leads to:

  • Wildfires
  • Hurricanes
  • Flooding
  • Respiratory problems

 Reduce your carbon footprint

  • Turn your thermostat down to 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius)
    • Wear fleece if you get cold easily
  • Don't use air conditioning
  • Turn off lights when you leave a room
  • Take alternative transportation
    • Bike
    • Walk (run)
    • Public transportation
There are 7.3 billion people on the planet.  We all need to do our part. LBJ's Science Advisory Council warned us over 55 years ago that too much carbon would create the problems we see today 

Thursday, October 22, 2020


Oxygenation is the second part of the carbon cycle. As we loose forests, the Earth's ability to sequester carbon is hampered. Globally the biggest reasons for deforestation are Palm Oil and Soy.   Both driven by consumer demand. Read labels when you purchase.

Palm Oil

Palm oil is found in everything from snack foods to beauty products such as hand sanitizers, skin creams, lipstick

Snack foods:

  • Ice cream
  • Margarine
  • Coffee shop coffee
  • Cookies
  • Packaged bread
Non food products.

  • Detergent
  • Soap
  • Biodiesel
  • Hand sanitizers
Most deforestation for palm oil is done here:

  • Malaysia
  • Peru
  • Guatemala
  • Indonesia
  • Rhodesia
  • Australia
Other names for palm oil are:
  • Elaeis guineensis.
  • Etyl palmitate.
  • Glyceryl.
  • Hydrogenated palm glycerides.
  • Octyl palmitate


Food products:
  • Soy sauce
  • Miso
  • Tofu
  • Vegetarian meat alternatives
Read the labels on what you purchase. Make sure you don't contribute to deforestation