It's not someone else's problem
Before you do something, take some action, commit to some deed, no matter how small or apparently inconsequential do you ever ask yourself, "what impact will my action have on someone I know; family, friend, or lover?" Can you extend that and ask yourself that same question about people you don't know.People Around Long After You Are Dead

People Who Live Someplace Else
Let's say you live in Chicago. When you flush the toilet, do you think of Lemont, Lockport or Morris? They are all all downstream from Chicago's over-taxed water reclamation system, not to mention all the crap that ends up in the rivers that should end up in trash cans. And when you think of Morris, quaint little poster town for American Gothic, do you think of cancer when you turn on a light switch? Yes! Cancer!You Too Can Be Carcinogenic!
Morris is situated right next to the Dresden Nuclear Power plant and almost right on top of the Morris Operation. Never heard of the Morris Operation? Well it's the only high level radioactive waste storage facility in the United States. That's right all of the most highly volatile nuclear waste is shipped to cute little Morris, some of it coming though Chicago. Dresden power plant generates nearly half of the electric power used in the Chicago Metropolitan area and it's not like the power distribution is parsed out so that some goes here and some goes there. Next time you frivolously leave a light on think of Morris and Leukemia.![]() |
Cute Little Morris, IL |
If you don't live in Chicago, these kind of Nuclear waste disposal storage facilities are all over the country. Click here to see if any are near you. It is a list of power plants cause that is where the largest amount of waste is stored until one of the permanent plants is opened. If you leave near one of these, consider your cancer risk raised.
What To Do: A New Paradigm For Starters
Start thinking differently. I would contend that being mindful of everyone else in every action is a good place to start and from there work your way into the specifics of solving each problem. Stop thinking that the solution is someone else's business and your responsibility ends with awareness and a public gripe for someone else to take care of the problem.It's true that these problems are often created for profit, but that profit is gained only by leveraging our need and addiction to convenience. There are two tools in your toolbox for creating change: the fact that you are a consumer and money. Yes money! It's how the big profiteers exact control and since there are so many of us, we only have to give smaller amounts to our favorite warriors of political change (special interest) the same as the big guys. (See below). As consumers, we can become educated (Google makes that incredibly easy) about the impact of what we purchase and not purchase that which works against the best interest of being all of us!
Show Them The Money
Below is a list of groups that not only fight against issues, but fight for positive change. Pick your favorite issue and cut a check:Pro Sustainable Energy Lobbies
Solar Energy Industries Association
American Wind Energy Association
Nuclear Waste Reduction:
Sierra Club
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